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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

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GGD Metals is Gerdau's largest and most diversified official distributor of steels and metals in the country. Born from the merger of three major companies with a strong history and reputation in the Latin American market – RCC Metais, Açometal, and Domave.
Its major business are following four sectors:
1 Tool Steel
Tool Steels are an important segment in the production of special steels. They are produced and processed to reach high quality standards. They are used especially for: dies, moulds, intermittent and continuous cutting tools, plate-conforming tools, cold cut, machine components, etc.
Tool Steel for Cold Work
They are indicated for: Stamping Operations - D Series; Cutting Operations – O Series; High-Impact Operations (resistance to Shock) - S Series.
Tool Steel for Hot Work
They are indicated for: Metal injection and extrusion operations – H Series Operations for use as forging dies - 27XX Series.
Tool Steel for Moulds
They are indicated for:
Operations of common plastic injection – P Series; Operations of corrosive plastic injection - 4XXC Series (Stainless). Operations for use as forging dies - 27XX Series.
2 Mechanical Construction Steel
The steels for Mechanical Construction are obtained by means of special preparation processes: casting, hot and cold mechanical conforming, heat treatments and finishing, strict control of process and checking through an inspection line, what ensure a set of properties and features.
These metallic alloys are made basically of Iron, Carbon, Silicon, and Manganese. They also have other elements inherent to the manufacturing processes at controlled percentages.
These metallic alloys are made of Iron, Carbon, Silicon, and Manganese. They may have other alloy elements such as: Chromium, Nickel, Molybdenum, and Vanadium (the most usual). When added, they allow for the optimization of the main features of steels.
Steel for Processing ... 4140 - 4340 - 8640
Steel for Cementation ... 4320 - 8620
Steel for Springs ... 5460 - 6150
Steel for Rolling ... 52100
3 Stainless Steel
Stainless Steels are known by their special resistance to substances that cause chemical attacks and whose composition has a minimum chromium content of 12%. The resistance to corrosion is enabled by a thin passive, adherent and impermeable layer made of chromium, formed on the steel surface. The passivity of stainless steels is significantly enhanced through the additions to the chromium content, as well as the addition of molybdenum. Besides such resistance to corrosion, stainless steels also have mechanical properties, conformability, resistance to heat, among others.
4 Nonferrous Metals
Aluminum: Plates; Angle Brackets; Flat Bars; All profiles in alloys 5052, 6351, and 6061
Copper: Copper is used currently to produce electricity-conveying materials (wires and cables) and in metallic alloys such as brass and bronze.
Brass: The typical applications for brass are: Decoration and Architecture; Ammunition and Coining Industry; Chemical and Naval Industry; Tool in general, rivets, screws, etc; Mechanical parts which require good machinability.
Nylon: Nylon is also quite used to make sutures on wounds, once this is a material inert to the body, and it does not have inflammatory reactions like other suture wires (e.g.: vicryl, cat-gut, silk, cotton).

巴西GGD Metal公司是美洲最大的长材生产商巴西盖尔道集团最大的经销商,主要销售的钢材品种有工具钢,不锈钢,有色金属,碳钢和合结钢等。

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