They are steels with chromium content between 11.5% and 18%. They have the capacity to harden when rapidly cooled (martensitic transformations obtained through quenching). Tempering at proper temperatures enables obtaining a large range of hardness, mechanical properties, tenacity, and ductility. It has good resistance to corrosion in the atmospheric milieu, with no drop in hardness and mechanical properties up to 500°C. The martensitic offer good resistance to heat. They also have good resistance to solutions such as nitric acid at room temperature. However, they become corrosive in reducing solutions such as sulfuric acid. Their resistance decreases with the increase in the contents of carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus. They require special attention when they are welded, because they tend to crack due to the capacity of hardening through quenching, as a function of martensitic transformations. They have magnetic sensitivity (ferromagnetism) under annealed, quenched and tempered conditions. They have better conditions of resistance to corrosion under the quenched and tempered states and with their surface smoothly polished.
最先由德国冶金学家 Adolf Martens(1850-1914)于19世纪90年代在一种硬矿物中发现。马氏体的三维组织形态通常有片状(plate)或者板条状(lath),但是在金相观察中(二维)通常表现为针状(needle-shaped),这也是为什么在一些地方通常描述为针状的原因。马氏体的晶体结构为体心四方结构(BCT)。中高碳钢中加速冷却通常能够获得这种组织。高的强度和硬度是钢中马氏体的主要特征之一。 20世纪以来,对钢中马氏体相变的特征累积了较多的知识,又相继发现在某些纯金属和合金中也具有马氏体相变,如:Ce、Co、Hf、Hg、La、Li、Ti、Tl、Pu、V、Zr、和Ag-Cd、Ag-Zn、Au-Cd、Au-Mn、Cu-Al、Cu-Sn、Cu-Zn、In-Tl、Ti-Ni等。目前广泛地把基本特征属马氏体相变型的相变产物统称为马氏体。
马氏体Martensite,如前所述命名自Adolf Martens (1850-1914)。这位被称作马登斯或马滕斯的先生是一位德国的冶金学家。他早年作为一名工程师从事铁路桥梁的建设工作,并接触到了正在兴起的材料检验方法。于是他用自制的显微镜观察铁的金相组织,并在1878年发表了《铁的显微镜研究》,阐述金属断口形态以及其抛光和酸浸后的金相组织。(这个工作我们现在做的好像也蛮多的。)他观察到生铁在冷却和结晶过程中的组织排列很有规则(大概其中就有马氏体),并预言显微镜研究必将成为最有用的分析方法之一(有远见)。他还曾经担任了柏林皇家大学附属机械工艺研究所所长,也就是柏林皇家材料试验所("Staatliche Materialprüfungsamt")的前身,他在那里建立了第一流的金相试验室。1895年国际材料试验学会成立,他担任了副主席一职。直到现在,在德国依然有一个声望颇高的奖项以他的名字命名。
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