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NYK Group Mission Statement
Since its foundation in 1885, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line) has overcome various challenges and grown steadily to become one of the world's leading shipping companies.
While recognizing the importance of wide-ranging trade and commerce as a basis for the development of the world's economies and cultures, we at NYK Line have sought to offer safe, high-quality services as both a logistics megacarrier and cruise enterprise. We believe that we can best contribute to the sustainable growth of international society by respecting human rights, complying with all relevant laws, and conducting business in compliance with a code of social ethics. In support of this effort, we have developed the "NYK Line Business Credo" that follows.
Mission to Society
Conscious of our mission to society to offer safe and high-quality services as a logistics megacarrier and cruise enterprise, we shall listen carefully to the wishes of our customers, satisfy their expectations, earn their trust, and secure reasonable profits through proper business operations. At the same time, we shall comply with our shareholders' expectations and communicate closely with all stakeholders in an effort to foster the development of society.
Safe Voyages and Global Environmental Protection
We recognize that achieving safe passage for our ships is our paramount task. Therefore, we shall attempt to improve existing safety measures based on international safety standards and encourage the use of safe operating techniques. We also recognize that the oceans are precious natural assets, and so we shall develop environmental policies aimed at preventing marine pollution and preserving a sound global environment.
Reinforcement of Security Measures
To prevent the shutdown or inappropriate use of international logistics networks as a result of illegal activities, and to prevent any improper access to information or leakage of information held in privacy by our company, we shall take measures to ensure and maintain security.
Observance of All Laws and Regulations
We are aware that all commercial enterprises can rightly be termed members of society, and as such, we shall make it our principle to act fairly, observe all laws and regulations, respect the integrity of local cultures and customs, and perform our business activities in compliance with a code of social ethics.
Exclusion of Antisocial Activities
We shall be resolutely opposed to any antisocial individuals or organizations that threaten civil order and public safety.
Disclosure of Information and Communication with Society
We shall work to disclose appropriate business information in an active, timely, and fitting manner, and similarly work to communicate broadly and meaningfully with society.
Preservation of a Favorable Working Environment
We shall respect the diversity, personalities and individualities of our company staff members, and endeavor to maintain a favorable working environment for all.
We, the top management of NYK Line, recognize that realizing the spirit of this Credo is our personal responsibility. We shall therefore take the initiative and set an example for others at NYK Line. We shall also inform all related parties about the Credo and create internal systems to support its effectiveness. In the event of any legal violation, improper action, major disregard of the Credo, or other emergency, we shall act swiftly and precisely to identify and rectify the problem, and assume responsibility for preventing its recurrence.
目前日本邮船提供,中国/日本到美西 中国-美东,中国-地中海、中国――欧洲,中国――中南美、加勒比海,中国到非洲、中国到澳洲等航线服务!
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