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The Federation of International Trade Associations

FITA, founded in 1984, fosters international trade by strengthening the role of local, regional, national and global associations that have an international mission. FITA provides resources, benefits and services to the international trade community and useful tools to help you do business globally.

The 450,000+ organizations that are linked to FITA through their membership in a FITA member association represent a broad cross-section of the international trade and business community: manufacturers, trading companies, contractors, freight forwarders, custom house brokers, airlines, shipping companies, port authorities, banks, insurance brokers and underwriters, associations and a wide range of service providers including telecommunications companies, law firms and consultants.

国际贸易协会联盟 (FITA) 成立于1984年,通过加强在美国、墨西哥、加拿大的本地、地区性和全国性承担国际贸易发展使命的贸易协会的作用,促进国际贸易。

Website: www.fita.org



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