A.P. Moller-Maersk Group发表评论(0)编辑词条
commonly known simply as Maersk. Maersk has activities in a variety of business sectors, primarily transportation (container shipping fleet) and energy (offshore oil exploration and transportation). It is the largest container ship operator and supply vessel operator in the world.
Maersk is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and has subsidiaries and offices in more than 130 countries worldwide. The group has around 117,000 employees. It was number 131 on the Fortune Global 500 list for 2008, up from 138 in 2007.
Business areas
Maersk has organized their activities into four main categories: Container and related activities, Energy, Shipping and offshore, and Retail and other business.
Container and related activities
"Container shipping and related activities" is by far the largest business area for Maersk, providing 53% of the group's revenue in the first half of 2007, although it posted a financial loss of almost 1 billion DKK for this period.
Maersk Line
The largest operating group in Maersk by revenue and staff is the Maersk Line division. Maersk Line operates over 501 vessels and 1.9 million containers involved in global liner shipping services. Maersk Line today is the largest container ship operator in the world.
Maersk Line, Limited
Maersk Line, Limited, is a US-based subsidiary of A. P. Moller-Maersk Group which manages a fleet of US-flag vessels and provides U.S. government agencies and their contractors with transportation and logistics services. Headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia, it manages the world's largest fleet of US-flag vessels. Beginning with a relatively small number of vessels focused on handling commercial and US Government-subsidised cargoes, MLL's fleet of vessels engaged in commercial liner services. MLL grew significantly after acquiring Sea-Land Service, Inc. in 1999 and P&O Nedlloyd and Farrell Lines in 2005.
Shipping and offshore
The Shipping and offshore activities of Maersk are divided among three organizations: Maersk Tankers, Maersk Contractors and Maersk Supply Service. "Tankers, offshore and other shipping activities" was responsible for 8% of Maersk's revenue during the first half of 2007, and posted 44% of the group's profit for this period.
Maersk Tankers
As of March 2009, Maersk Tankers owned and operated a fleet of 95 ships: 10 crude carriers, 59 product tankers, 9 gas carriers, 5 LNG carriers (for liquefied natural gas) and 12 car carriers. The company emphasizes that all of their tankers are double-hulled, an environmental requirement in much of the world following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill and other serious oil spills. The company's web site indicates that an additional 56 ships are on order or planned for building over the coming years.
Maersk Drilling
• Involved in the Oilfield Drilling Industry with a fleet of Modern Jack-up and Semi-submersible rigs
• Maersk Supply Service
• Management of supply ships and services
• Retail and other business
"Retail activity" and "Other companies" gave 25% of Maersk's revenue and 22% of its profit for the first half of 2007.
马士基集团(A.P. Moller - Maersk)
1、马士基航运公司(Mearsk Line)。世界上最大的集装箱航运公司,由Mearsk Sealand合并英国P&O Nedllord后改组而成,目前占世界集装箱航运市场的17%。拥有500多艘集装箱船以及150万个集装箱。
2、马士基物流公司(Mearsk Logistics)。世界一流的物流公司,可以为客户提供高效的供应链。
3、马士基集装箱码头公司(APM Terminal)。业务范围为集装箱码头建设和运营。
4、马士基集装箱工业公司(Maersk Container Industri)。生产冷藏集装箱及其他各种集装箱。
马士基石油天然气公司(Maersk Oil and Gas)。在北海、卡塔尔、阿尔及利亚和哈萨克斯坦等地进行石油开采,日产原油55万桶和天然气10亿立方英尺;并在安哥拉、土库曼斯坦、安曼、摩洛哥、哥伦比亚、巴西和苏里南等国进行有关项目。
1、马士基油轮公司(Maersk Tankers)。拥有并运营着180多艘油轮,其中超大型油轮(VLCC)7艘。能够运输原油、各种成品油及天然气。
2、马士基石油勘探公司(Maersk Contractors)。拥有30个钻井平台,其中包括世界上最大的技术先进的自升式平台,在世界各地进行石油勘探。
3、马士基海洋服务公司(Maersk Supply Service)。拥有60艘各种型号的海洋服务船只,可提供诸如钻井安装、海上电缆铺设等各种远洋服务。
1、丹麦超市公司(Dansk Supermarket)。不但在丹麦国内进行超市经营,也在英国、德国、波兰、瑞典进行经营。
2、奥登塞造船公司(Odense Staalstkibsvaerft)。不但在丹麦境内拥有造船厂,还在爱沙尼亚、立陶宛、德国拥有造船厂。具有世界先进的造船技术,能够建造世界上最大的集装箱船。
马士基集团1984年在广州设立办事处,这是在中国的第一个办事处;1994年设立马士基(中国)航运公司;同年,投资建设深圳盐田国际集装箱码头;1996年,在中国订购63艘船舶,这是马士基在中国订购船只的开始;1997年,投资建设大连集装箱码头; 1998年,江泽民主席接见Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller先生;1998年,设立Mercantile(中国)物流服务公司;1998年,设立上海铁阳多联式运输公司;1998年,成立马士基集装箱工业青岛公司;2003年,投资建设上海集装箱码头;2003年,大中华地区(Great China Area)设立,包括大陆、台湾、香港、澳门、蒙古,总部设在北京;2003年,投资建设青岛集装箱码头;2004年,投资建设厦门集装箱码头;2005 年,设立马士基集装箱工业东莞公司;2005年,在北京设立新型冷藏集装箱生产厂;2005年,设立马士基中国公司,作为大中华地区所有马士基旗下公司的控股公司。
马士基集团由A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S管理。A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S是哥本哈根证券市场的上市公司,由Firmaet A.P. Møller管理。Firmaet A.P. Møller的组成人员称为Partner,人数不固定,目前由高级合伙人(Senior Partner)Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller、合伙人兼集团CEO(Partner and Group CEO)Jess Søderberg、合伙人(Partner)Knud E. Stubkjær、 Tommy Thomsen和Thomas Thune Andersen组成。
此外,A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S设有董事会,董事会主席为Michael Pram Rasmussen,副主席为Poul J. Svanholm和Ane Mærsk Mc-Kinney Uggla。
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