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The International Public Management Association for Human Resources is an organization that represents the interests of human resource professionals at the Federal, State and Local levels of government. IPMA-HR members include all levels of public sector HR professionals. Our goal is to provide information and assistance to help HR professionals increase their job performance and overall agency function by providing cost effective products, services and educational opportunities.


The Association is divided into four Regions, which are made up of the Association's Chapters, as well as non-Chapter members residing within the Regional boundaries. The Regions include the Central Region, the Eastern Region, the Southern Region, and the Western Region. All Regions host an Annual Conference. There are approximately 50 Chapters, and each maintain their own dues structure and member benefits packages. Chapter members are encouraged to be members of the national IPMA-HR.

IPMA-HR is governed by a fourteen person Executive Council, consisting of a President-Elect, President, and Past President; one Regional Member from each of the Association's four Regions; and seven at-large representatives. In addition, there are a number of committees and task forces that assist in guiding the direction of the association in all of its various functions.


IPMA-HR has a long and storied history, dating back to the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. For more information on IPMA-HR's history, click on the links below.

1906 - 1937
1938 - 1967
1968 - 1977
1978 - 1987
1988 - Present


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标签: IPMA-HR 美国国际人力资源管理协会

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