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Marginal Product
In economics, the marginal product or marginal physical product is the extra output produced by one more unit of an input (for instance, the difference in output when a firm's labour is increased from five to six units). Assuming that no other inputs to production change, the marginal product of a given input (X) can be expressed as:
MP = ΔY/ΔX = (the change of Y)/(the change of X).
In neoclassical economics, this is the mathematical derivative of the production function.... Note that the "product" (Y) is typically defined ignoring external costs and benefits. In the "law" of diminishing marginal returns, the marginal product of one input is assumed to fall as long as some other input to production does not change.
In the neoclassical theory of competitive markets, the marginal product of labor equals the real wage. In aggregate models of perfect competition, in which a single good is produced and that good is used both in consumption and as a capital good, the marginal product of capital equals its rate of return. As was shown in the Cambridge capital controversy, this proposition about the marginal product of capital cannot generally be sustained in multicommodity models in which capital and consumption goods are distinguished.
Marginal product is the slope of the total product curve and is given by:
MP = Total product Quantity of labor units
边际产品价值(VMP)是指在其他条件不变的前提下,厂商增加一单位要素投入所增加的产品的价值。它为一种投入品的边际产品(也就是额外一单位投入品所导致的额外产出)乘以产品的价格,即 VMP=P×MP,表示在完全竞争条件下,厂商增加使用一个单位要素所增加的收益。
VMP(L)与MP(L)的相对位置关系取决于产品价格是大于1,还是小于或等于1。如果P>1,则VMP>MP,即VMP曲线高于MP 曲线;如果P<1,则VMP<MP,即VMP曲线位于MP曲线下方;如果P=1,则VMP=MP,即VMP曲线与MP曲线重合。
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