Wu Wenzhang Board Chairman &President of Shanghai SteelHome E-Commerce Co.,Ltd, General Manager of ChinaCommodities Website (China Railway Material Group SteelHome E-CommerceCo.,Ltd); Senior Engineer
From July 1984, Mr.Wustarted working in Maanshan Iron and Steel Company (Maanshan Steel) in terms ofmetallurgical teaching and market researching etc. For his outstandingperformances in Maanshan Steel, Mr. Wu was nominated as the Director ofMetallurgical Researching Department and Manager of Marketing Sector. Hispapers were frequently published on professional magazines.
In September 2001, Mr. Wustarted his career in Shanghai, devoted into steel internet operation creationand market research. In August 2004, Mr. Wu and his partners establishedShanghai SteelHome E-Commerce Co. Ltd.
Since 2006, Mr. Wu hasbeen invited to speak at international steel conferences in USA, UK, France,Germany, Netherland, Russia, Australia, India, Thailand, Philippines, UAE etc.
Mr. Wu offered marketingtraining courses to large Chinese steel mills, such as Anshan Steel, Baosteel,Shandong Steel Group, and some large distributors, such as China RailwayMaterial Group, Shanghai Baosteel Trading. He has been invited to teach on steel,financial derivatives and logistics by Tsinghua University, Shanghai Universityof Finance and Economics, Zhejiang University and Shanghai University for theirEMBA courses.
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