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Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd., located in Osaka and established in 1897, continues to operate with corporate strategies to keep pace with changing times and maintain the momentum of its progress in the steel industry as well as the other businesses in which the Company engages. Sumitomo Metal Industries was the parent company of Sumitomo Sitix until Sumitomo Sitix was merged with the silicon division on Mitsubishi to create SUMCO (Sumitomo Mitsubishi). SUMCO is currently the second largest silicon wafer manufacturer.
Main Products:
1 Flat Rolled Products: Sumitomo Metals' Kashima and Wakayama Steel Works are world-class producers of HR/CR steel sheets, coated steel sheets, electromagnetic steel sheets, and other steel products.
2 Construction Materials: In civil engineering, Sumitomo is developing a succession of new steel materials for use in foundations and earth-retaining products in advance of other players in the industry. The Company has put together a powerful range of products, SM-J pile, STBC pile, and SM Hi-Drain pile.
3 Titanium: As titanium displays superior properties to other metal materials i.e. light, strong, human-friendly and corrosion-resistant, it has been recognized increasingly effective and useful especially for severer environment.
4 Tubes and Pipes: In the seamless pipe business, the Company's Wakayama Steel Works is equipped with a brand-new and highly advanced medium-bore seamless mill. The Company's UOE wide-bore welded pipes have been deployed all over the world in oil and natural gas pipelines, and major orders have been received in connection with a new Russia-Turkey pipeline project.
In the domestic boiler tube market, Sumitomo Metals has approximately 80% of the market for the main tubes of thermal power generation plants and for boiler tubes used in large-scale industrial projects.
5 Railway, Automotive & Machinery Parts: The Railway, automotive, & Machinery Parts Company offers highly appreciated and longtime cultivated technologies in the area of traffic and transportation equipments where the highest reliability and safety are required. It supplys almost 100% of the wheels and axles for JR and private railway companies in Japan.
6 Engineering: Steel bridges and related products, segment and systems buildings, etc.
7 Silicon: Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. and Mitsubishi Materials Corporation merged and integrated their silicon wafers business, including 300mm wafers and wafer-related quartz products operations, in Japan as well as overseas.
住友下属的钢铁厂主要有鹿岛厂(生产薄钢板、中厚板和不锈钢薄板人 和歌山厂(主要生产钢管人 小仓厂(生产棒线材,大皈厂(专门从事轧制零部件、铸钢件和锻钢件的生产制造)、尼崎厂(主要生产能源工业及相关工业用管材)和直江津厂(生产不锈钢薄板、中厚板、棒材和角钢,从生铁和粗钢产量来看,鹿岛厂约占全公司总产量的55%,和歌山厂约占30%,小仓及直江津厂约占10%。
大型型材96万t 中型型材82万t 棒线材75万t
厚板198万t 热轧带钢800万t 冷轧带钢500万t
镀锌钢板200万t 车轮轮箍28万t 锻造车轴15万支
无缝钢管190万t 电焊钢管90万t 大口径钢管58万t
(4)炼钢:15座转炉,其中3座70t、7座160t、5座250t7座电炉,其中 1座 3t、2座 st、2座 15t、l座 30t、2座 80t年产能力69•4万t。
2座钢包炉,其中1座为70t,l座为60t;4套RH真空脱气装置,其中270t和160tRH装置各2套;1套80tDH真空脱气装置;4套 VOD装置,分别为 15t、20t、30t和 80t;2套AOD t氧脱碳装置,其中80t和10tAOD各1套70TVAD真空电弧脱气装置;1套st电渣重熔装置。
2套方坯初轧机,年产能力734万t;2套方坯初轧和钢坯轧机,年产能力273万t;2套中厚板轧机,年产能力 198万 t;1套大型型钢轧机,年产能力96万t;l套单线21机架连续式中型型钢轧机,年产能力80万t;1套小型型钢和棒材轧机,年产能力2.4万t;卫套4线27机架连续式线材轧机,年产能力75万t;2套宽带钢热轧机,年产能力800万t;7套带钢冷轧机(含1套不锈钢冷轧机八年产能力679万t;2套带钢平整机,其中1727mm和1422mm平整机各1套;5套无缝钢管轧机,年产能力 255万 t;4套电鹏gL# 机,中口或J口路2套,护故64万t;l套车轮轧机和1套轮箍轧机,年产能力27.6万t;1套锻压机、锻锤和精密锻造机。
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标签: 住友金属

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