SIEMENS VAI Manufacturing Co. Ltd发表评论(0)编辑词条
SIEMENS VAI Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 奥钢联制造(太仓)有限公司是奥钢联技术集团在太仓设立的一家外资企业,该公司是国际领先的钢铁工业工程设计和设备制造公司之一,业务范围涵盖整个钢铁生产工艺流程。迄今为止,已在世界各地约80个国家成功设计和实施了1400多个重要项目。目前,在太仓的投资为60万欧元,主要制造用于生产的轧机,用于生产线材的轧机,连铸设备,轧机前的导卫以及其他备品备件,年产量在5000吨左右。位于奥地利林茨市的奥钢联工程技术公司(VAI)是钢铁和铝工业世界领先的工程设计和冶金建厂公司。公司提供下列完整的炼铁炼钢和铝业生产技术;烧结、炼铁(高炉、COREX@熔融还原炼铁、FINMET@粉矿还原技术)、炼钢(电炉、转炉)、连铸、轧制(扁材和长材、镀锌、酸洗和涂层)、自动化以及节能和环保技术。公司于2005年兼并于西门子公司,公司将充分利用中国得天独厚的物力和人力资源,努力实现各方均赢的局面。
Two of the most important partners in the iron, steel and aluminum industry - both technology drivers for many decades - have melded to create a new key player. As Siemens VAI, we will serve our customers with even greater commitment and ability. We fit well together; we complement each other. And we know one another from many successful projects we have worked on together. Our strategy is to offer you the best of both . Even more than before we want to be the driver of technological development in a number of ways: • continual process improvement • further integration of mechanics, electronics and automation • services throughout the entire life cycle of a plant • integration of data from the process level to management Our goal and constant ambition: to enable the production of Next Generation Metals
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