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Korea Financial Investment Association发表评论(0)编辑词条

The Korea Financial Investment Association (KOFIA) is a non-profit, self-regulatory organization (SRO) founded under the Financial Investment Services and Capital Market Act. Established on February 4, 2009, through the merger of the Korea Securities Dealers Association, the Korea Futures Association, and the Asset Management Association.

KOFIA’s ensures fair business practice among members, the fair trading of securities and investor protection, and developing the nation’s capital market and financial investment services industry.

KOFIA performs five major functions: self-regulation, market management, upgrading the financial investment industry, education and training of professionals, and fostering a sound investment culture As a primary SRO, KOFIA oversees a wide spectrum of areas in the Korean financial investment industry. All securities, asset management and futures firms in Korea are KOFIA members and are subject to the KOFIA’s self-regulatory operations.

Previously having launced KOSDAQ, KOFIA is now operating the FreeBoard, an OTC Bulletin Board, and the OTC Bond Market. KOFIA offers services such as making policy recommendations, providing member services and guiding the globalization of the Korean financial industry.

By operating the Korea Institute of Financial Investment (KIFIN), KOFIA cultivates industry professionals. As a founding member of the International Forum for Investor Education (IFIE), KOFIA established the Korea Council for Investor Education (KCIE), which works to instill a sound investment culture, pioneering investor education in Korea. KOFIA consists of 244 members as of the end of July 2009. [1]

Korea's Financial Investment Services and Capital Market Act was enacted to advance the Korean financial market by improving the competitive edge of the nation's capital market and financial investment industry. In response, the Korea Securities Dealers Association, the Asset Management Association of Korea and the Korea Futures Association merged to form the Korea Financial Investment Association (KOFIA) in February 2009. [2]

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标签: Korea Financial Inve KOFIA 韩国金融投资协会 国外机构

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