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Orinoco Iron is the largest merchant Hot Briquette Iron (HBI) producer
in the Americas. The plant uses FINMET technology. The company is present in four continents and its export experience began in late 1970's.
Orinoco Iron is a 50/50 joint venture between BHP of Australia and IBH of Venezuela. The company will operate two HBI plants in Venezuela, which will produce in excess of 2.6 million metric tons annualy of HBI, primarily for export.
Orinoco Iron briquettes are produced by reducing iron ore fines in fluid bed reactors with a counter current reducing gas (Fluidized Iron Ore Reduction). Due to their high density and metallization, low gangue and residual content, and inert character, Orinoco Iron HBI is the ideal metallic charge for steelmaking.
委内瑞拉生产商奥里诺科铁公司(Orinoco Iron)位于奥里诺科河河畔。该厂主要利用Finmet直接还原工艺生产热压块铁。
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标签: Orinoco Iron 委内瑞拉生产商奥里诺科铁公司 热压块铁
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