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Ductile iron pipe is a pipe commonly used for potable water distribution and the
pumping of sewage. The predominant wall material is ductile iron, a spheroidized graphite cast iron, although an internal cement mortar lining usually serves to inhibit corrosion from the carried water and various types of external coating are used to inhibit corrosion from the environment. Ductile iron pipe is a direct development of earlier cast iron pipe which it has now completely superseded. Ductile iron has proved to be a better pipe material, being stronger and more fracture resistant; however, like most ferrous materials, it is susceptible to corrosion, and retains some brittle characteristics.Relatively recent developments such as polyethylene sleeving and/or zinc and polymer coatings and prior to that, cement mortar linings, have done much to mitigate corrosion concerns and a typical life expectancy is in excess of 75 years.
Ductile iron pipe is sized according to a dimensionless term known as the Pipe Size or Nominal Diameter (known by its French abbreviation, DN). This is roughly equivalent to the pipe's internal diameter in inches or millimeters. However, it is the external diameter of the pipe that is kept constant between changes in wall thickness, in order to maintain compatibility in joints and fittings, and consequently the internal diameter does vary, sometimes significantly, from its nominal size. Nominal pipe sizes vary from 3 inches up to 64 inches, in increments of at least 1 inch, in the USA.
Pipe dimensions are standardised to the mutually incompatible AWWA C151 (U.S. Customary Units) in the USA, ISO 2531 / EN 545/598 (metric) in Europe, and AS/NZS 2280 (metric) in Australia and New Zealand. Although both metric, European and Australian are not compatible and pipes of identical nominal diameters have quite different dimensions.
球墨铸铁管(Ductile Cast Iron Pipes)
执行标准:GB/T13295-2003 ISO2531/2003
历史:1947年英国H.Morrogh发现,在过共晶灰口铸铁中附加铈,使其含量在0.02wt%以上时,石墨呈球状。1948年美国A. P.Ganganebin等人研究指出,在铸铁中添加镁,随后用硅铁孕育,当残余镁量大于0.04wt%时,得到球状石墨。从此以后,球墨铸铁开始了大规模工业生产。有关球墨铸铁管的使用历史可以追溯到1668年巴黎郊区从塞纳河至凡尔赛全场约21.14Km的输水管线,300年的时光流逝,除部分管道和接头维修更换外,主体至今仍在使用。
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