ASARCO LLC is a mining, smelting, and refining company based in Tucson, Arizona that mines and processes primarily copper. The company is a subsidiary of Grupo México.
Its three largest open pit mines are the Mission, Silver Bell and the Ray mines in Arizona. Its mines produce 350 to 400 million pounds of copper a year. ASARCO conducts solvent extraction/electrowinning at the Ray and Silver Bell mines in Pima County, Arizona and Pinal County, Arizona and a smelter in Hayden, Arizona. Before its smelting plant in El Paso, Texas was suspended in 1999 it was producing 1 billion pounds of anodes each year. Refining at the mines as well as at a copper refinery in Amarillo, Texas produce 375 million pounds of refined copper each year.
ASARCO's hourly workers are primarily represented by the United Steelworkers.
ASARCO has 20 superfund sites across the United States, and it is subject to considerable litigation over pollution.
India-based Sterlite Industries announced the acquisition of Asarco on 31 May, 2008 for US$2.6 billion. Sterlite would become the world's third largest copper miner with a combined capacity of 650,000 tonnes a year, if the Asarco deal closes. Grupo Mexico, the current owner, opposes the sale, and hopes to block it.
ASARCO LLC位于亚利桑那州(美国西南部的州),主营有色金属尤其铜矿开采。2009年9月印度有色巨头斯特里特工业公司对该公司提高了收购价格。
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