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Dun & Bradstreet发表评论(0)编辑词条

The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation (NYSE: DNB), headquartered in Short Hills,

(图)Dun & BradstreetDun & Bradstreet

New Jersey, USA, is a provider of credit information on businesses and corporations. Often referred to as just D&B, the company is perhaps best known for its D-U-N-S (Data Universal Numbering System) identifiers assigned to over 150 million global companies.
D&B's D-U-N-S Numbers are Business Information Reports. Numbers and reports go hand-in-hand. They may include the following: Extended credit terms, trade experiences, principal's history, financials (including net worth, cash on hand, AR/AP, etc..), UCC Filings, Public Records, Liens, Suits, volume sales, employee number, terms to liabilities, start date, and even type of building in which company is located. The unique and patented DUN System blends specific industry sectors with numeric sequencing providing a multitude of sector-based information that is compared and contrasted with like industries in a local, state and regional format. The DUN System is utilized by many major banks/lenders, insurance and finance companies as well as municipalities, Federal agencies and endorsed by the European Union as the primary identification system for International business assessment and validation throughout the world. The DUNS/BIR (Business Information Report) is required for many US federal government transactions, so are widely used as a leveraging tool to win bids and portray a stable and creditworthy business, able to meet its obligations and can validate what it professes.. The System is frequently used corporate research.
DMI entries provide legal and trade names, physical and mailing addresses, geographical descriptions, product and industry descriptors, sales and number of employees for three years and growth rates, as well as up to 40 important statistics about each organization:
• Corporate and competitive intelligence
• Market research
• Mailing lists
• Trade name research
• Merger and acquisition analysis
• Industry statistics
• Telemarketing lists
• New product development
• Corporate family trees
(Adapted from DBUS - Dun & Bradstreet US Duns Market Identifiers)
According to D&B's latest annual SEC filing D&B lists Experian, Equifax, MarketWatch, InfoUSA and Yahoo! Finance as competitors.
Corporate information competitors include Hot Frog,Kompass, Zoominfo, InsideView and LexisNexis Corporate Affiliations.
The latest competition is Cortera, a commercial credit bureau with over 19 million scored companies including over $250 Billion in A/R. They offer the ability to identify a company's risk through a collections priority rating or CPR

邓白氏公司(Dun & Bradstreet,D&B)
  美国邓白氏公司(纽约证券交易所代码: DNB)于1841年成立,是世界著名的商业信息服务机构。在其165年的发展过程中,旨在为客户 提供商业信息、工具及专业经验,协助客户作出信心十足的商业决策。邓白氏的全球商业数据库覆盖了超过1亿条企业信息,并通过邓白氏特有的DUNSRight™流程,对每天 收集的原始数据进行编辑及核实以保证其质量。邓白氏及全球领先的商业信息提供商组成了一个强大的联盟 - 邓白氏全球网络,客户可以通过这个网络进入全世界最大、最优质的 商业信息数据库。
  邓白氏的客户有全球最大的、最成功的企业;有中等规模的企业;也有刚刚成立的小公司。客户能通过邓白氏风险管理解决方案能降低 风险、提高现金流、增加收益率;邓白氏销售及市场拓展方案能增加客户收益;邓白氏电子商务方案能协助客户更快捷地识别潜在客户;邓白氏供应管理方案能通过供应商的整合有效识别采购节省项目,并保护业务防止因供应链的断裂、或其他严重的财务、营运和调整带来的风险。
  DUNSRight™的流程操作基于公司对信息的质量掌控。由全球数据收集、实体匹配、邓氏编码、企业关联、预测指数等5大步骤有序构成, 流程中多达2000次的自动核对及人工审核确保数据达到高质量标准。邓白氏确信,任何通过这个流程的信息都是优质而卓具洞察与远见的,任何客户都可借助这一流程信心 十足地作出商业决策。
  自1994年以来,邓白氏中国公司已为众多快速成长的中国企业提供了专业的风险管理、市场开拓和商业培训的解决方案,帮助企业 通过专业渠道达到国际商业标准、熟悉国际商业实务。目前中国总部设在上海,并于北京、广州设有办事处。在过去10年中,邓白氏中国为境内众多的外资企业、上市公司、进出口公司和私营企业提供了信用管理解决方案。目前,我们拥有并维护着数据库内超过130多万家中国企业的信息。
  除企业信息,邓白氏中国更引入了先进的风险管理工具:包括邓白氏风险指数和风险评估管理系统(RAM),旨在使公司成为企业的商业战略伙伴而不仅是商业信息供应商。邓白氏的专业信用评估经验、独特的预测性分析方法及工具,确保企业在作出每一项商业决策时更具信心。2005年邓白氏在中国通过特有的Duns Right的流程,加强对信息的质量掌控,使数据库在深度与广度上作了极大的提升,在服务层面上作了扩展。



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