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CONSOL Energy发表评论(0)编辑词条

CONSOL Energy Inc. is the largest producer of high-BTU bituminous coal in the

(图)CONSOL EnergyCONSOL Energy

 United States. It is one of the US's largest coal mining companies, along with Peabody Energy and Arch Coal. The company has some 4.5 billion tons of proved reserves, mainly in northern and central Appalachia and the Illinois Basin, and produces about 65 million tons of coal annually.
It began operations in 1864 in the city of Cumberland, Maryland and is now based in suburban Pittsburgh in the Southpointe business park in Cecil Township near Canonsburg, Pennsylvania.
Through its subsidy, CNX Coal, the corporation manages coal mining operations, with 17 bituminous coal mining complexes in six states.
CNX Gas extracts methane gas for home use in the Appalachian and Illinois basines, and it is one of the nation's largest natural gas suppliers.
CNX Land manages over 430,000 acres (1,740 km²) of forest land in the US and Canada, using the land both for timber production and energy use.
CNX Ventures manages several East Coast power stations, while CNX Services provides transportation for raw materials.

康寿能源公司(CONSOL Energy)拥有140余年历史,是美国地下煤炭开采的领先企业和最大的煤炭出口企业。已探明煤炭储量45亿吨。

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标签: CONSOL Energy 康寿能源公司

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