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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家




  ——2007《福布斯》全球上市公司2000强 排名第1074位



Fluor is a FORTUNE 500 company that delivers engineering, procurement, construction, maintenance (EPCM), and project management to governments and clients in diverse industries around the world. For nearly a century, clients have selected Fluor as their company of choice to complete challenging projects in remote parts of the world.
Founded as a construction company in 1912, Fluor quickly built a reputation for applying innovative methods and performing precise engineering and construction work within the emerging petroleum industry. Today, Fluor continues to develop and implement innovative solutions for complex project issues in diverse industries, including chemicals and petrochemicals, commercial and institutional (C&I), government services, life sciences, manufacturing, mining, oil and gas, power, renewable energy, telecommunications, and transportation infrastructure.

Business sectors
Fluor executes complex engineering, procurement, construction, and maintenance (EPCM) projects for commercial and government clients in remote and challenging locations around the world.
1 Energy & Chemicals
Fluor is one of a few global EPCM companies that can execute challenging energy and chemicals projects in remote locations around the world.
2 Industrial & Infrastructure
Fluor provides program management, engineering, procurement, and construction services to the transportation, mining, metals, life sciences, telecommunications, manufacturing, commercial and institutional, and renewable energy sectors.
3 Government
Fluor's Government Group provides diverse services, including EPCM, environmental remediation, and management, logistics and base operations support, and contingency operations to U.S. and international government agencies.
4 Power
To meet global demand for power, Fluor provides EPCM and plant betterment services for power plants using coal, gas, oil, nuclear, and renewable sources of energy.
Global Services
Fluor integrates a variety of customized services to assist industrial clients in improving the performance of their plants and facilities.

  美国福陆公司始创于1912年, 是世界最大的主要从事咨询、工程、建筑等其他多种服务的公有公司之一。福陆公司目前在六大洲25个国家拥有50,000名雇员,为不同的客户在国际商务中提供个性化服务。它是世界最大的建筑工程、维修公司之一,同时也经营其他多种相关业务,在全球范围内为各个领域的客户服务,服务范围包括石油、天然气业,化工、石化业,贸易,政府服务,生物科学,制造业,微电子业,采矿业,能源业,通信及交通业。美国财富杂志(Fortune)的“世界声誉最好的企业”栏目将福陆公司评为世界第一的工程、建筑公司。
  根据2005年美国《工程新闻纪录》(ENR)的统计排名,美国福陆公司(Fluor)以其在2004年17.94亿美元的国际收益名列《ENR》海外工程咨询设计商榜首,而其国内外工程咨询设计总收益则达到22.596亿美元, 在ENR工程咨询设计商中名列第二位。在近年来ENR杂志工程咨询设计商的评选中,福陆公司始终居于全球“150个顶级设计公司”及“400个顶级承包商”中的前三名之列。同时, 福陆公司的安全记录使它成为世界上最安全的承包商之一。
福陆丹尼尔公司(Fluor Daniel)
福陆全球服务公司(Fluor Global Services)
梅西煤业有限公司(Massey Coal Limited Company)
福陆信号服务公司 (Fluor Signature Services)。

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